Public exhibition: Development Applications


DA 10.2024.56.1 - 16-18 Kendal Street Cowra

Notice is hereby given that Cowra Shire Council, as Consent Authority under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, has received the development application as set out in the Schedule 1 below.  

The application details and plans relating to the development to which this notice refers may be viewed at Cowra Shire Council’s Customer Service Centre, 116 Kendal Street, Cowra between 8.30 am and 4.30 pm Monday to Friday (Public Holidays excepted) or click on Exhibition Documents below from 25 July 2024 to 8 August 2024. 

Any person may make a written submission to the Cowra Shire Council about the proposed development before 4.30 pm on the closing date, being 8 August 2024.  If the submission is an objection, the grounds of the objection must be specified in the submission.  

Written submissions should be addressed to

The General Manager
Cowra Shire Council
Private Bag 342
Cowra NSW 2794

or email

To assist Council, please include the DA number (10.2024.56.1) with the written submission.

The substance of written submissions may be included in a report to Council. Copies of the written submissions may be made available to the applicant for resolution and consideration of issues and concerns raised, prior to determination. Council is subject to Government Information (Public Access) legislation and copies of written submissions may be made available to any person entitled to lodge an application under this legislation.  Submission makers are required to comply with Section 10.4 (Disclosure of Political Donations and Gifts) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 which is summarised on Council’s website, click on “Building & Development/Development Information/Political Donation & Gifts”.

To help the efficiency of the assessment process, no late submission will be considered.

Exhibition Documents(PDF, 710KB)

DA 10.2024.56.1 - Schedule 1.png